Oral galvanism is the difference of electrical potential created by two or more dissimilar metals in the mouth, or even by a single metal that conflicts with the body's own bioelectrical currents. Any chemical engineer can tell you that when you put two different metals together in a salt solution (like saliva) an electrical current is generated. The amount of electricity generated would seem quite small, until you consider that a very small electrical current manages your entire nervous system. Every action you take, every thought you have is propelled into bodily function by tiny electrical impulses jumping across the synapses in your nervous system and across cell membranes. All regulating events in the human body are communicated by electrical charges. Therefore, any conflicting electrical charges that emanate from dissimilar metals in the oral cavity create an imbalance that can lead to pathogenicity. In other words, the electrical currents created by the metals used in fillings and root canals can conflict both with each other and with the body's own electrical system, leading to blockages and interferences in the body's own bioelectrical currents. We were not born with such galvanic charges in our mouths; they are purely man-made. Our immediate concern should be to identify the nature of this problem and to stop using incompatible metals in the mouth.
The common symptoms associated with oral galvanism are: metallic o salty taste, increased salivary secretion, burning or tingling sensation along the tongue, occasional nerve shocks and pulp sensitivity from connecting restorations or by connections made with a spoon or fork, generalized discomfort in the mouth, irritability, indigestion, loss of weight, and in some cases, reflex radiating neuralgic pains through branches of the fifth trigeminal nerve.

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